Community Read

DIAMONDHEAD READS! July 1 - December 5, 2024

What if everyone in the community read the same book, then joined together to discuss it? This is the core idea behind a new “community reading” program in Diamondhead. The community reading concept is supported by the American Library Association and is national in scope with programs throughout the U.S.

My Two Elaines: Learning, Coping, and Surviving as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver

by Martin J. Schreiber with Cathy Breitenbucher

Martin Schreiber and his wife Elaine

DIAMONDHEAD READS! a Community Reading Initiative launched on July 1, with an enthusiastic crowd of more than fifty supporters at the East Hancock Library branch in Diamondhead.

The first “community read” selection is the acclaimed and award-winning book, MY TWO ELAINES, by Martin Schreiber which chronicles his experience as a loving caregiver with his wife Elaine as she confronts her affliction with Alzheimer’s. Schreiber writes with empathy, wit, humor, frustration, and sometimes heart-break. You will learn with Marty as you read, and will love this book!

As Mississippi’s first “memory loss friendly community,” the selection of MY TWO ELAINES highlights the city of Diamondhead’s commitment to raising awareness about dementia and memory loss.

Copies of the book are available to Diamondhead residents who wish to be part of this new and important initiative.

Read with the community, then later this year — on Thursday, December 5 — join author Marty Schreiber (a former governor of Wisconsin) live and in-person in Diamondhead as he discusses his experiences as a caregiver with his wife Elaine. Autographed copies of MY TWO ELAINES are also available for sale, with net sales from Marty’s book go to support he Alzheimer’s Association and caregivers.


If you would like to make a donation or become a sponsoring partner, please contact us at

All press inquiries may be directed to Kevin Cole, PR/Marketing: or 228. 200.1551